Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Spam Alert - If you receive an email with the subject of “APPLY FOR THIS GREAT OFFER”, it is spam. Always be on alert for spam. If a message looks suspicious, it probably is suspicious!

If you receive an email with the subject of “APPLY FOR THIS GREAT OFFER”, do not open the attachment, click on any links, or respond to it as it is spam. 

Always be on alert for spam - If a message looks suspicious, it probably is suspicious!  


If you have received a suspicious email, we recommend the following:


1. If you have given out financial information, immediately make a report to DePauw Police at (765) 658-5555 or police@depauw.edu.

2. Do not respond to or click on any links or attachments. 

3. Select the suspicious email in your mailbox, then click Report spam to remove it from your account and to report it to Google. When you do this, you may be given two option

1. Report spam - Choose this option - CHOOSE OPTION 1.

2. Unsubscribe and report spam - Do NOT choose this option.

4. Change your Google Apps Account password immediately if you replied to a suspicious email or opened an attachment. Please go to Change password: Google Apps Account (email) for step-by-step instructions.

5. Run a virus scan as a further precaution. Go to Securing devices to learn how you can download and run Symantec Endpoint Protection on your computer. Symantec is free to all members of the DePauw campus.

6. Additional information is available at Information Security.


Furthermore, go to Secure your Google Apps account for recommendations on proactive steps you can take to ensure that you are doing everything you can to keep your account and data safe. Please note the section on 2-Step Verification, which is recommended for those who do not regularly use public computers.


Please let us know at HelpDesk@depauw.edu or 765-658-4294 if you have any questions or concerns.