Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Graduating Class of 2019 IT Account Retirement Schedule

Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! 

As you are going through your graduation to-do list, schedule time to preserve your email and other content from your DePauw IT accountsas well as update your contact information for any personal online accountsthat you have associated with your DePauw email address. In the following, you'll learn the timeline for when your primary DePauw IT accounts will no longer be available to you, resources you can use to preserve email and other data, and information on services available to DePauw alumni. 

DePauw IT Accounts will be retired on December 31, 2019. You must complete the migration of your account contentno later than December 30th. (Note: If you are returning to DePauw in the Fall of 2019 as a student, please contact HelpDesk@depauw.edu to keep your accounts active.) 

Be sure to save any documents you wish to keep from your class folders no later than December 30th. 

Transfer any documents you wish to keep from your DePauw Box account to a personal Individual Box account  
no later than​ December 30th​. ​ 

e-Services (my.depauw.edu) 
To order a transcript after December 31st, browse to Registrar's Transcripts and Diplomas.  

Google Apps (email, calendar, drive, etc.) 

Use Google Takeout to export a copy of your DePauw Google Email and Drive accounts by the middle of December so there is plenty of time for the archive to complete. Depending on how much data you have to copy, archives may take a few minutes, several hours, or days to complete. Watch the DownloadyourGoogleData[How to] video on YouTube to learn more. 
Also, update the settings for your personal online accounts (e.g., checking account, credit card, cell phone password recovery, YouTube, etc.​) with your personal email address so you can still access them after your DePauw email account is retired. 

​IT Recommendation Checklist and Resources 
​You can also find a helpful IT recommendation checklist that includes additional resources at Graduating Senior Accounts. These tips guide you through setting up a personal email account, updating online account information (e.g., checking account, credit card, cell phone password recovery, YouTube, etc.) so that you do not lose access to them after your DePauw IT Accounts are retired, how you can let others know about your new contact information now, and more. 
Stay connected with DePauw through social media and the Online Directory 

DePauw’s Office of Alumni Engagement provides opportunities to connect with DePauw and fellow alumni through social media and the Online Directory. Through the Online Directory, you can update your contact information, as well as search for and connect with fellow DePauw alumni. If you have not set up your account yet, contact the Office of Alumni Engagement at alumnioffice@depauw.edu or (877) 658-2586 for your Activation Code. 

Please visit WISR to sign up for an account and easily access an exclusive network of DePauw students and alumni for the purposes of alumni-to-alumni networking and/or alumni-to-student mentoring.  

You may also join thousands of other alumni who have liked the DePauw Alumni & Friends page on Facebook, followed the @DePauw_Alumni account on Twitter, and joined the DePauw University Alumni Association group on LinkedIn. 

Need help? 

As mentioned previously, contact alumnioffice@depauw.edu or (877) 658-2586 for questions about staying connected after you graduate.  

For all other questions, please email HelpDesk​@depauw.edu or give us a call at (765) 658-4294. 

We hope your final semester at DePauw is all that you wish it to be!